Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal, the newly elected president of the Student Council of Chulalongkorn University (SCCU), on Monday received threats from two unknown men who came to the faculty of political science asking to see him.
Netiwit file a report to the police.
Prawit said it was clear from the CCTV cameras around the area that the two men were not military officers, but teenagers, and that linking the wrong people could only taint their reputations.
“I don’t know much about the incident, but I can say that it’s not the government or the military [who were involved],” said Prawit.
The council, meanwhile, issued a statement denouncing the threat against Netiwit and urged respect of rights and freedom.
The statement added that the university had taken legal action against the two people who appeared at the Faculty of Political Science and asked for Netiwit in a menacing manner.
It has also stepped up its security measures around the area.