North’s seasonal haze problem back despite ban on burning

North’s seasonal haze problem back despite ban on burning

NORTHERN RESIDENTS are being affected by haze after farmers burned fields prior to the burning ban being enforced on Friday.

In Chiang Rai province, the smog has been building up, although the amount of small particulate matter of up to 10 microns in diameter (PM10) was not still beyond the safe limit of below 120 microgram per one cubic metre.
Still, dense smog in the province has affected visibility. Chiang Rai governor Boonsong Techamaneesatit said the province aimed to reduce the haze problem by 30 per cent this haze season by authorities issuing a burning ban from February 17 to April 17.
“We have already informed the community leaders to create a good understanding among local people and ask them not to burn during the burning ban period. If we find |anyone violating the rule during this period, they will be punished by the law,” Boonsong said.
He said there would be a Bt3,000 cash reward for anyone who provide information pinpointing people breaking the ban.
In Prachin Buri’s Kabin Buri district, haze affected more than 700 people and resulted in the elderly, the sick and children being evacuated. 

Firefighting operation underway 
As of yesterday, fire had burnt a large portion of a 20-rai (3.2-hectare) landfill in the district and firefighters were trying to control it. The kamnan of Tambon Kabin, Somjai Wuttisang, said the fire started before noon yesterday in an abandoned factory near the landfill and spread rapidly, as much of the garbage in the landfill was flammable and a strong wind fanned the flames.
“Ten fire trucks are deployed at the scene, but it is very hard to control the fire since there is a strong wind, which help spread the fire. So right now we are just trying to stop the fire from spreading to other nearby landfills,” Somjai said.
There are more than 160 houses in the area.
Medical staff from the local hospital and other emergency services evacuated the sick, the elderly and children.

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