Governor Aswin promises fast work to fix Bangkok’s problems

Governor Aswin promises fast work to fix Bangkok’s problems

JUNTA-INSTALLED Bangkok Governor Pol General Aswin Kwanmuang has promised to immediately deliver solutions to the capital’s problems as he is not sure how long he will be in office.

“My mindset is to deliver now,” Aswin said at a press conference on the new city administration’s policies yesterday. 
Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, in his capacity as head of the National Council for Peace and Order, exercised his power under Article 44 of the interim constitution to remove MR Sukhumbhand Paribatra as Bangkok governor in mid-October and replace him with Aswin. 
“I’ve come to power through a special process and will use that special process to solve Bangkok’s problems and make improvements,” Aswin said. 
He said he would not stay in the post for long so he would deliver solutions as fast as possible. 
Aswin announced one “special mission”, five immediately implemented policies and 19 “urgent missions”. 
The special mission is to take care of mourners who queue at Sanam Luang to pay respects before the body of the late monarch HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej. 
“We ensure safety and orderliness in the area. Food and medical services are provided,” Aswin said. 
Since the king died on October 13, more than 1 million people have made the pilgrimage to the Grand Palace to pay their respects. 
Immediately implemented policies came under five headings – clean, convenient, safe, good quality of life and sufficiency – the governor said. 
“Clean” referred to clean public areas and transparency in the city administration, he said. Convenient meant providing public convenience such as ensuring city residents can avoid the inconvenience of floods or vehicles on their footpaths. Safe covered various aspects of safety including efforts to combat harmful pollution, prevent fires, and reduce secluded and dangerous spots, Aswin said. 
“Regarding quality of life, we will for example grow more trees, particularly the tree associated with King Rama X,” he said. 
He said shantytowns would be improved and developed as strong communities whereby residents would have areas for exercise and constructive activities. 
“Sufficiency is about following King Rama IX’s philosophy,” Aswin said. 
Asked how he could stop motorcycles using footpaths, the new governor said: “Starting from today, motorcyclists found on footpaths in Bangkok will immediately be fined Bt5,000.”

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