Psychiatrist warns players of Pokemon Go addiction as game finally launches in Thailand

Psychiatrist warns players of Pokemon Go addiction as game finally launches in Thailand

SPEAKING on the first day of the official launch of “Pokemon Go” in Thailand, a psychiatrist yesterday warned players using smartphones to beware of getting addicted and urged the authorities to regulate the game.

As Niantic, the developer of the world famous Pokemon Go announced the official launch of the game in 15 countries in Asia, including Thailand, gamers in Thailand cheerfully welcomed their chance to start playing the game and many people posted their experience on social media.
However, Dr Yongyuth Wongpiromsan, Public Health Ministry spokesman and psychiatrist, raised concerns that the players may become addicted to the game and cause problems for themselves and those nearby |even though the game encouraged the players to go outside and exercise.
“I see Pokemon Go has some advantages because it provides a new gaming style to let the gamers walk around and do some exercise, not just sit and play like the other games,” Yongyuth statedon his Facebook.
“Nevertheless, this game will be the same as other games, if the players spend longer than one hour. They will become addicted to the game and this will negatively affect the players themselves and the people around them.”
He asked who would be responsible if the game causes problems like it has done in some other countries. 
“As the examples elsewhere show, this phenomenon [game addict] causes many problems; it is time the government does something to monitor and control the game developers, as in some countries there are the customer-protection organisations to look after this issue,” he said.
One gamer, Chanjira Panyapawakul, 25, said she was very excited that the game had been finally launched in Thailand because she was a big fan of Pokemon since she was young.
“I play this game because I like Pokemon and this game is also making me and my friends have a new activity to do together,” Chanjira said.
Regarding concerns expressed by the psychiatrist, she said that players should exercise control over their gaming behaviour to protect themselves from danger and from disturbing others.
“The game developers should not be blamed for the actions of the players; the players should be responsible for their safety and well-being,” she commented.
As the new craze over Pokemon Go went viral, the Ministry of Culture expressed worry that the gamers may cause damage to historical places when playing near these sites. The ministry may send a letter to the Information and Communication Technology Ministry expressing its concerns.
The other 14 countries that can play Pokemon Go after the official launch yesterday were: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and Palau.
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