Kuwaitis held for stabbing two of their compatriots

SATURDAY, MAY 07, 2016
Kuwaitis held for stabbing two of their compatriots

Two Kuwaiti men were arrested for allegedly stabbing two compatriots in a beer bar in Chon Buri’s Bang Lamung district yesterday morning.

Following the 4am report of assault in a southern Pattaya bar, police went to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital to find Ahmed Eha, 29, who sustained cuts in his right arm and both legs, and Samir Joha, 29, who sustained a cut in his left ear. The unnamed Kuwaiti attackers were captured by locals and police but they refused to give any testimony. 
Bar cashier Sakrin Khaokhokkruad told police that the two groups of Kuwaiti men had argued two days earlier for unknown reasons and they ran into each other again at the bar on Friday night resulting in an argument and fighting.