Raising biodiversity awareness in listed companies on SEC agenda


The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) are launching joint efforts to enhance biodiversity awareness among Thailand’s listed companies.

Launched on Tuesday, the initiative aims to encourage high-level executives to adopt policy commitments that can be integrated throughout their value chains.

The partnership also represents a concerted effort to address the pressing issue of biodiversity loss and its implications for sustainable development in Thailand. As global attention on biodiversity increases, Thai businesses are being urged to prepare for potential future regulations and disclosure requirements related to biodiversity impacts.

The collaboration was marked by a seminar titled "Elevating Biodiversity Literacy and Awareness", held in Bangkok. The event is seen as a significant step towards driving listed companies to contribute to Thailand's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Irina Goryunova, UNDP deputy resident representative in Thailand, highlighted the increasing impact of the climate crisis on global biodiversity loss. 

"The impacts of these crises go beyond environmental issues and affect almost all Sustainable Development Goals, especially in the areas of health, food security, and access to water," she said.

Goryunova emphasised the need for greater private sector involvement, noting that "private sector involvement in this agenda remains limited, reflecting the need to raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity for various sectors, especially businesses".

ONEP secretary-general Prasert Sirinapaporn stressed the importance of national policy and legislation in biodiversity conservation.

"National policy and legislation is a country instrument which focuses on conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity. It also offers opportunities for cooperation and partnerships among diverse sectors... to achieve global and national goals in alignment with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework," he said.

Pornanong Budsaratragoon

SEC secretary-general Pornanong Budsaratragoon reaffirmed the commission's commitment to promoting environmental, social and governance factors and the integration of SDGs into Thai listed companies' operations. 

"Biodiversity is now a key issue in the SDGs, and the world is exploring measures to protect biodiversity, which may lead to more stringent regulations... Understanding and integrating biodiversity into sustainable business practices will help reduce risks, create new market opportunities, and enhance business competitiveness," she said.

The seminar also featured presentations from biodiversity conservation experts and a panel discussion with high-level executives sharing insights on integrating biodiversity considerations into corporate strategies.

(from left) Irina Goryunova, Pornanong Budsaratragoon and Prasert Sirinapaporn

This partnership represents a concerted effort to address the pressing issue of biodiversity loss and its implications for sustainable development in Thailand, she said. As global attention on biodiversity increases, Thai businesses are being urged to prepare for potential future regulations and disclosure requirements related to biodiversity impacts, she added.