Middle East is next focus for renowned ‘Siam Broiler’ chickens

MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2024
Middle East is next focus for renowned ‘Siam Broiler’ chickens

A new chicken processing facility was opened in early March by ACF & Arabia Holding Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of ACF & Tanaosree Group, using the butchery factory of Tanaosree Thai Chicken Co Ltd in Nakhon Pathom province.

It has a production capacity, following Islamic principles, of 120,000 chickens per day. The company has a policy to use a particular Thai chicken breed, the “Siam Broiler” breed from Manit Farm.

Manit Wiboonpan, the managing director of Siam Heritage Breeding Co Ltd and owner of Manit Farm, sees strong growth ahead. “We expect that within the next two years, more than 2 billion Muslims will consume Thai-bred chicken,” he said.

The farm has outlined its production plans and showcased the capability to produce up to 3.3 billion chickens within the first year, starting from 1,500 grandparent stock. However, Saudi Arabia is not excited about the chicken quantity because if the Muslim world ate one chicken per year, they would all be gone.

Middle East is next focus for renowned ‘Siam Broiler’ chickens

Manit noted that ACF & Arabia Holding plans to establish poultry breeding centres in various countries, with Manit Farm as a partner. These countries include Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and others within Saudi Arabia’s network.

Simultaneously, the company is working on developing egg-laying chicken breeds to create eggs with distinct flavours, providing consumers with options and offering opportunities for farmers interested in entering the niche market.

The company has been evaluated and certified by the securities market regarding intellectual property assets in chicken genetics, with a value exceeding 46 billion baht. This includes at least 70 purebred egg-laying chicken breeds to produce GP (Grandparent Stock) in various versions according to the needs of farmers, as well as 42 strains of meat chicken breeds. It is expected that the value will increase yearly, with evaluations conducted every two years.

Middle East is next focus for renowned ‘Siam Broiler’ chickens

Manit also disclosed that following the company’s 2023 signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to sell the parent stock of egg-laying and meat chickens to a company from Bangladesh, they have now prepared 28,000 GP chickens for delivery as per the terms of the first batch in June.

At the same time, CP Group has requested to purchase 20,000 chicks of the Siam Broiler breed from Siam Heritage for experimental rearing to evaluate growth performance and cost-effectiveness. They intend to sell the products at KFC restaurants or Five Star grilled chicken stalls.

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