World needs proof of human technology to drive digital era, says CEO

World needs proof of human technology to drive digital era, says CEO

Proof of human is necessary to boost confidence among people ahead of a global transition towards an AI-driven era, Alex Blania, CEO and founder of Tools for Humanity said recently.

He explained that his company started developing World proof of human technology for distinguishing real humans or bots about five years ago, saying that the current situation is similar to science-fiction movies when AI plays a vital role in people’s lives.

Though AI improves people’s lives drastically with its potential to solve problems and boost productivity, he expects AI-powered scams, such as bots and deepfakes, are expected to increase on social media, driving the growing demand for human verification solutions.

“One of the first things that we would be focused on was the proof of user interface (UI). The technology that we can all use on the internet to ensure that we are actually interacting with real people, real humans versus the AI systems,” he said.

AI-driven internet activities

The company has planned four steps to ensure a smooth transition towards the AI era: 1. Build proof of a human system that is truly anonymous and can deploy it globally; 2. distribute the ownership of the network for the digital forum; 3. scale and decentralise the network continuously; 4. make the benefits of the access available. 

Blania expects AI to be able to do more complicated tasks, such as making a purchase based on a shopping list. At the end of this year, AI will do many five-minute tasks, and next year, it will be hours, two days, and eventually, a month and three years, he explained.

He believes that AI will dominate activities on the internet instead of humans, which could be  95% of the internet-driven by AI compared to 5% by humans, or eventually 99% and 1%.

“Something that we believe is already today is very important, but in the next 24 months as AI systems become more agentic, meaning they do more and more things by themselves,” he said, “Most of the internet will actually be AI, not human. And so this is only the beginning.” 

World needs proof of human technology to drive digital era, says CEO

Taking role in AI era

Blania explained that people can access World proof of human service by simply downloading an application and verifying themselves with a device called “orb” once. 

He noted that several devices like thermal cameras have been installed in the orb to ensure that anybody who comes to verify themselves is actually human. It takes a picture of your face and actually also your iris because that is the only thing that can scale billions of people, he added.

He confirmed that this kind of verification helps reduce complications in traditional verification systems, such as Know Your Customer (KYC) method for commercial banks.

With the World ID, people will be able to verify themselves through different services like games, social media and dating platforms. People can receive WLD for every activity in the network, he added.

“I think as AI will become better and better, what I expect to happen is that you will need to authenticate like if you do very expensive transactions or open a bank account, you might have to go to an orb to authenticate very important transactions,” he said.

Looking ahead

Blania said World proof of human technology is currently available in more than 20 countries around the world, and around 11 million of 25 million users have already verified their proof of human.

As Thais are now able to visit three designated locations in Bangkok to sign up for World’s proof of human service, he expects more orbs to be available in convenience stores, gas stations, banks and train stations in the future.

He expects the proof of human service to become mainstream within two years, confirming that verification will cover other services in the future, such as dating platforms. 

“Success for World proof of human service looks like that many of the largest platforms of the world start adopting our technology and eventually the large majority of the people global and worldwide that use the internet will start using some of our services,” he concluded.


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