Speaking on Tuesday, the TCC’s chairman Sanan Angubolkul said the move aims to facilitate business entrepreneurs in requesting permission from government agencies, which can often be a complex and time-consuming procedure.
“Entrepreneurs have to sign a lot of documents when they apply for permission to operate new businesses or open new branches,” he explained.
The data exchange platform, which has been set up through the collaboration of several government agencies including the Department of Business Development (DBD) and the Office of the Public Sector Development Commission (OPDC), relieves this burden as documentation and signing can be done digitally.
“Based on entrepreneurs’ transactions of 8.8 million annually, this collaboration can save transaction costs of 7 billion baht a year, covering the transaction period, documentation and operational costs,” he said.
Sanan added that the business data exchange marked the beginning of the transition towards digital government and would greatly facilitate Thai and foreign entrepreneurs in doing business.
DBD director-general Auramon Supthaweethum said the business data exchange has been developed to link data between agencies in real time with high security in line with the Digital Government Development Agency’s standards.
“Verification using digital ID also enables entrepreneurs to perform transactions with relevant agencies swiftly and accurately,” she said.
OPDC secretary-general Onfa Vejjajiva said 10 government agencies are so far taking part in the business data exchange, namely the Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Lands, the Treasury Department, the Board of Investment, the Department of Industrial Works, the Excise Department, the Bank of Thailand, the Customs Department, the Comptroller General’s Department and the Revenue Department.
“Government agencies must be ready to facilitate entrepreneurs in business operations and allow them to access data,” she said.
She also expects more government agencies to take part in a bid to relieve entrepreneurs’ burden, drive the government sector towards digital transformation and boost Thailand’s potential.