From dumplings to delicacies: 7-Eleven’s transformation to 24-hour diner

From dumplings to delicacies: 7-Eleven’s transformation to 24-hour diner

The bakery delights found at 7-Eleven convenience stores in Thailand come from many manufacturers, including companies within the Charoen Pokphand Group (CP Group). One of these companies is CPRAM, which produces the Le Pan brand of baked goods.

Apart from stocking consumer goods, 7-Eleven convenience stores that can be found in nearly every corner of Bangkok, also boast the “Only at 7-Eleven” brand of products.

One of these products is baked goods that are regularly snapped up by consumers.

Established in 1988, CPRAM has emerged as a strategic asset within CP Group’s arsenal. Initially, 7-Eleven stocked edibles from different leading brands, much like other convenience stores. However, the introduction of CPRAM products transformed 7-Eleven from a mere convenience store to a 24-hour diner.

In the early days, CPRAM only offered dumplings and steamed buns, which quickly became popular among young adults, students, and those seeking a quick meal at odd hours.

As the offerings became popular, CPRAM launched its “24-hour Dining Convenience” campaign with the familiar slogan: “Would you like dumplings or steamed buns?”

Gradually, CPRAM diversified and expanded its products to include not just Le Pan branded bakery goods, but also renowned Jade Dragon dumplings and steamed buns and ready-to-eat meals. This move was almost immediately successful, resulting in a staggering 15% growth within a year.

For the fiscal year of 2022, CPRAM earned 25.6 billion baht in revenue and secured profits totalling 571 million baht.

From dumplings to delicacies: 7-Eleven’s transformation to 24-hour diner

Though CPRAM’s food division has consistently shown year-on-year growth in revenue and profits, its share only accounts for 6.7% of the parent company’s revenue.

Yet CPRAM’s significance extends beyond numbers, as it has helped transform 7-Eleven from a mere convenience store to a destination for consumers to “stop by whenever they’re hungry”.

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