Funeral wreaths from shrouds help to reduce waste

FRIDAY, JULY 21, 2023

Every year, up to 100,000 funeral wreaths are discarded and, if not properly processed, add to the waste in landfills. Over the years, many businesses have tried to find new ways of using wreaths but even the recycled ones tend to end up in the garbage.

Now environmentally conscious clothing brand Niran thinks it has come up with the answer. They use their knowledge and expertise in weaving to create wreaths from funeral shrouds that can be donated after the ceremony.

Onnapat Boonanantapat, the founder of Niran, noted that most customers donate the shrouds to charities or hospitals.

“Our weaving factory was starting to slow down, and revenues were also low. So we wanted to produce something new with added value. We saw that the fabrics we produced could be used for other purposes, so the idea to make shroud wreaths began,” Onnapat said.

Funeral wreaths from shrouds help to reduce waste

The raw fabric her factory produces is of standard size, suitable for forensic use, and can be used for the deceased immediately.

“Our returns were better than expected in the beginning. We were concerned about whether people would understand our product's idea and how to go about marketing it because a product that requires explanation is not immediately visible,” she added.

Funeral wreaths from shrouds help to reduce waste

Niran offers two sizes for their shroud wreaths: a 5-shroud wreath for 1,900 baht and a 10-shroud wreath for 2,900 baht. Buyers can choose according to their personal needs and budgets.

The business also prints tags explaining to receivers of the wreaths about the uses, sizes of the shrouds, and the origin of the donor.

Furthermore, the brand also delivers for free every day in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area. If the order is made before 3pm, the store also does one-day deliveries. For more information, visit