Cabinet okays another 7.1 billion baht for EV3.0 subsidies


Though the EV3.0 scheme has ended, manufacturers are still owed reimbursements for vehicles sold under the program

On Tuesday, the Cabinet approved an additional 7.1 billion to support the first package of measures to promote the use of battery electric vehicles, a PM’s advisor said.

Jirayu Huangsap, PM’s advisor in charge of public relations, said on Wednesday that the Cabinet approved the Finance Ministry’s request for an additional 7.13 billion baht to reimburse BEV manufacturers under the so-called EV3.0 package.

Though the EV3.0 package has come to an end and has been replaced by the much-toned-down EV3.5 package on the part of buyers, the manufacturers are still in the process of claiming subsidies for BEVs sold under the previous scheme.

Cabinet okays another 7.1 billion baht for EV3.0 subsidies

Jirayu said the Finance Ministry initially reckoned it would need 11.92 billion baht to reimburse BEV manufacturers under the EV3.0 package.

The ministry has, so far, paid 6.897 billion baht to BEV manufacturers and needs another 5.02 billion baht.

Cabinet okays another 7.1 billion baht for EV3.0 subsidies

Meanwhile, the manufacturers have informed the ministry that they are now ready to make another 16,500 BEVs under the EV3.0 scheme, so the ministry will require another 2.11 billion baht to cover the subsidies.

Hence, Jirayu said, the Cabinet approved the additional 7.13 billion baht as requested by the Finance Ministry.