Cabinet approves Asean-China transport plan for 'new normal'

TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020
Cabinet approves Asean-China transport plan for 'new normal'

The Cabinet today approved an Asean-China agreement on transportation and logistics to boost trade and combat the cross-border spread of Covid-19.

Ministers also agreed to receive free assistance from the World Bank on phase 2 of a project to reduce ozone-destroying HCFC gases.

Government spokesperson Narumon Pinyosinwat said the Cabinet green-lighted the draft of the Asean-China Transport Joint Statement ahead of the Asean-China Transport Ministers Meeting on Covid-19 on July 16.

The joint statement demonstrated Asean and China’s commitment to fighting the outbreak and its severe impact on the global economy, travel and tourism, manufacturing, retail, transportation, supply chains and financial markets.
Meanwhile the Cabinet also approved a World Bank draft agreement for a US$5 million (Bt198.8 million) grant to fund stage two of the HCFC Phase-Out Project. HCFCs are used in the spray-foam and freezer manufacturing industry but destroy ozone and cause global warming

Stage one of the project was successfully completed on December 31, 2019 after cutting HCFC use by 576.69 tonnes from the target of 209 tonnes.

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