The firm said in a statement that it foresees a promising future in the Asian dairy industry with Asia being a leader and a key driver for global dairy market growth.
The average growth of the Asian market’s milk consumption now stands at 3.7 per cent, with a consumption at 66 litres per person per year, it said.
The firm also unveiled its business strategy towards 2020, reaffirming its vision to provide 100 per cent quality cow milk to Thai consumers and promote the quality of life among Thai dairy farmers to keep producing quality milk.
Over Bt1 billion will be set aside to enhance capacity and increase productivity. The firm has set a target for 5 per cent growth per year and vowed to retain its position as the ready-to-drink milk market leader.
Vipas said, “Overall global milk consumption shows that consumers drink an average of 113 litres per head per year.
“China and India have emerged as top two milk consumption nations in Asia, with annual growth rates of 3.8 per cent and 3.5 per cent respectively. As for Thailand, Thais consume an average of 18 litres per head per year.’’
Demographic statistics by the United Nations shows more than half of the global population are Asian (4.5 billion people out of the world’s population of 7.5 billion), with China and India having a combined population of 2.7 billion (one third of the world’s population).