Surang only gets richer

Surang only gets richer

Thai TV mogul Surang Prempree becomes a billionaire for the first time, according to Forbes.

This is thanks in part to the strong performance of BBTV, Bank of Ayudhya, Siam City Cement and other companies controlled by fellow Thai rich lister Krit Ratanarak. 
Her net worth is now just over US$1 billion, up from $930 million in July, when the 2013 list of Thailand’s richest was published. 
Surang, 70, a television executive known for the dramatic nighttime soap operas she produces and as the organiser of the Thailand Miss Universe pageant, has strong family ties to the media business. Her late mother co-founded Bangkok Broadcasting & TV (BBTV) in 1967 with Ratanarak’s late father Chuan, and Surang became the broadcaster’s managing director in 1985.
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