PTT represents Thailand in Newsweek's Global Green Rankings

FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2012

PTT Plc, Thailand's national energy company, is the only Thai company appearing in Newsweek's Global Green Rankings 2011 list.


 PTT is ranked 384 in the global list. Among 37 energy companies enlisted, it is the 16th.
 Joining forces with two leading environmental research firms - Trucost and Sustainalytics, Newsweek’s Green Rankings cut through the green chatter and compare the actual environmental footprints, management (policies, programs, initiatives, controversies), and reporting practices of big companies in developed and emerging markets. Topping the list is Germany-based Munich Re.
 On the ranking, PTT President Pailin Chuchottaworn said that this confirmed that the company's environmental standards meet the international ones.
 "It's an honour to represent Thailand in the global arena, as a Thai company which takes into account international environmental standards," he said.
 PTT is included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), among companies with sustainable business outlook over the world.
 The rankings reflect the company's goal to become a multinational energy company and technologically advanced and green national oil company, whereby technology will be exploited to substitute depleting resources for sustainability, Pailin said.