China's first corgi police dog debuts


Fu Zai, a cute corgi only six months old who has been trained to be China's first corgi police dog, made his debut during the opening day of a police camp in Weifang, Shandong province.

His debut once again hit people's stereotype that "little short legs" cannot join the police force. Unlike those long-limbed dogs full of strength and vigour, Fu Zai quickly went viral online thanks to his iconic smile, distinctive short legs and excellent explosion device-seeking abilities.

As a reserve police dog, Fu Zai faces a "heavy workload": training is scheduled for every morning and afternoon, involving a variety of subjects, such as obedience exercises, bomb search, sniffing techniques and so on. Throughout the whole process, Fu Zai stood out and outperformed many of his peers at two months old.

However, some have doubted whether this adorable police dog can overcome obstacles, and chase down and deter suspects.

China\'s first corgi police dog debuts

In the face of questioning, Fu Zai performed admirably.

Fu Zai performed well thanks to its unique advantages in the training. "His strong environmental adaptability, insensitivity, his desire for possession of items and his fondness of food are particularly conducive to our training," said Wang Yanan, head of the police dog base of the Weifang public security bureau.

Following four months of training, Fu Zai now can take advantage of his short legs to directly probe beneath the car and easily get into and search narrow spaces. He can also improve interactions between police dogs and the public because of his amiable appearance.

"Police dogs are not only cute, but trainers have done a lot of work and effort to train them," said Wang.

Fu Zai is still naive as a reserve police dog and must undergo a period of further training to adapt to the complex environment before he is officially appointed and given assignments.

China Daily

Asia News Network