Jareeporn Jarukornsakul, co-founder and chairwoman of WHA Group

MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2024

Don't let your gender limit you, says the Chairman of the Executive Committee and Group CEO of WHA Corporation PCL Jareeporn Jarukornsakul is a firm believer in not letting gender stand in the way of progress. "Don't let your gender limit you," she told The Nation in an exclusive interview. "It doesn't matter what your gender is. If you work hard, you can improve and demonstrate your capabilities."

Having set up and led WHA Group, one of Thailand's premier integrated logistics and industrial facilities, for several years, Jareeporn says her success is a direct consequence of her tireless efforts and underlines that a person's achievement in a leadership role is not determined by their gender.

“It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, your job as a leader is to lead the company," she said, before offering advice on how to become a fantastic leader.

Jareeporn Jarukornsakul, co-founder and chairwoman of WHA Group

" First and foremost, you must develop a clear strategy for the proper direction of your business.
Second, once you've determined your course of action, you must establish teamwork because you
can't do it alone. Developing strong teamwork skills is essential. Then, in order for everyone on your
team to be heading in the same direction, you must create a clear roadmap. Moreover, you must
communicate internally with your employees as well as with stakeholders, strategic partners, and
people in the surrounding communities," she explained.

Again emphasising that these leadership skills are not gender-specific, Jareeporn reminded all
women to ask themselves, "Who exactly is impeding their progress?"

" I have never believed that a woman is limited by others. I have never had a problem being female
and leading a large company. If a woman asks me how I can work like this, I ask her to consider if
she is limiting herself or if others are limiting her," she said.

Jareeporn Jarukornsakul, co-founder and chairwoman of WHA Group

" There is a social expectation that Thai women have to care for their family members. I don't
believe this is an obstacle. It is part of your responsibilities. If you have a family, you must look after
your children. The challenge is to balance your two roles, career and family.

" I would say that for women to succeed, they have to work hard, harder and harder still and never
give up," she said.

Jareeporn Jarukornsakul, co-founder and chairwoman of WHA Group

When she first started her business 30 years ago and was surrounded by male executives, she faced
many doubts and suspicions.

" That doubt doesn't bother me. I knew I just had to prove my abilities and get rid of that doubt,"
she explained. " You know, once I began my speech explaining what my project was about and what
my strategy was, those doubts disappeared and they now accept me with admiration. They accept
me for my abilities, not my gender. So, whether or not doubt and bias exist, it makes no difference.
Just go ahead and demonstrate your abilities."

Jareeporn Jarukornsakul, co-founder and chairwoman of WHA Group