Trade promotion agency pushes for cricket superfood as Thai soft power


Department chief visits first vertical farm, says ready to support entrepreneur

Crickets are a superfood due to their high nutritional value and could be a part of Thailand’s soft power, the chief of the Department of International Trade Promotion said after leading a media visit to a farm in Chonburi province.

"They can be processed into various food products and are an easily accessible source of protein. Additionally, cricket farming helps reduce the environmental impact associated with large-scale livestock production, leading to increasing demand in international markets,” said department director-general Phusit Ratanakul Sereroengrit. He was speaking after visiting the SiamBugs cricket farm of Kamisu Super Ento Products Co Ltd.

“The department is ready to support entrepreneurs in expanding production and marketing abroad, as crickets are another product that can help enhance Thailand's soft power," Phusit said.

Trade promotion agency pushes for cricket superfood as Thai soft power

Suwimon Jantachon, founder and CEO of Kamisu Super Ento Products, said that the SiamBugs farm was established in June 2018 as Thailand's first vertical cricket farm using a sliding tray system. Covering 2 rai (0.32 hectare) of land, it operates semi-enclosed facilities that meet GAP standards, with a production capacity of 4-5 tons per cycle (45-50 days). 

"The company has a clear goal to export Thai insects to the global market by processing them into protein powder, which serves as a base ingredient for various products, including foods, feeds, dietary supplements, cosmetics, and medical foods," Suwimon said.

Thailand has a long history of incorporating insects into various dishes, which has become a prominent aspect of Thai food culture known worldwide. It has even become a "to-do list" for foreign tourists visiting Thailand, where tasting insects is a must-try experience, she said. 

Even those who are hesitant to eat them at least take a photo with insects. Thailand, being a trendsetter in the global insect-eating culture, inspired her to study and experiment with cricket farming, eventually leading to the creation of SiamBugs Farm.

Among standout products, she said they have developed a protein powder drink made from a blend of plant protein, cricket protein, and probiotics, creating a superfood with significant health benefits. 

It helps balance the digestive system, promotes regular bowel movements, reduces constipation and waste buildup in the intestines, lowers the risk of colon cancer, enhances positive moods while reducing negative emotions, decreases inflammation, combats ageing, improves skin health, and aids in weight management by restoring gut balance through good bacteria. It also regulates the secretion of various hormones in the body, she claimed.

The visit also provided an opportunity to the Chonburi Provincial Commerce Office to introduce local soft-power food entrepreneurs to the department’s executives and the media, demonstrating that Thai products are of high quality and standard, capable of being exported to global markets.