Train trips to Pasak Jolasid Dam begin next month

Train trips to Pasak Jolasid Dam begin next month

Tourists seeking a train ride over the Pasak Jolasid Dam reservoir can make their bookings early next month for the limited number of trips, confined only to the winter season.

The State Railway of Thailand announced that tourists could start booking for the so-called rot fai loi nam (floating train trip) on November 2.
The services will be available only on weekends on November 17, 18, 24, and 25, December 1, 2, 8, 9, 16, 22 and 23 and January 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26 and 27.
The fare for a non-air-conditioned round trip is Bt270 and air-conditioned will cost Bt470.
The special trains will leave Hua Lampong railway station at 7.10am and reach the dam in Saraburi at 11.40am. It will depart the dam at 3.30pm and reach Hua Lampong at 6.20pm.
Tourists coming as a large group can book an extra airconditioned carriage for Bt52,900 while a non-air-conditioned carriage will cost Bt29,700.

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