Hotel where Princess Elizabeth became Queen pays homage to the late monarch


Queen Elizabeth II, who died on Thursday at age 96, was 25 years old when she learned she had become queen in February 1952 while she was on an official trip to Kenya.

That month, Princess Elizabeth and her husband, the late Prince Philip, had begun a Commonwealth tour with a visit to the east African county, after being seen off by her parents King George VI and Queen Elizabeth and her sister Princess Margaret at London's Heathrow airport on January 31.

When the news broke the princess was staying at the Treetop Lodge located at the Aberdare National Park in Kenya.

The lodge although closed due to COVID still holds her passing to heart because her stay put the establishment on the world map.

Today they have a suite named after the Queen and Amos Ndegwa a guide at the lodge whose grandfather built the original structure was in mourning.

"It is very sad when we heard the news that she has passed on because she left a big legacy in this hotel because most of the tourists who normally visit here in Africa don't complete their journey without coming to Treetops and seeing where Queen has seated and normally always want to see the Queen's room because it still exists, and it's like a monument," said Ndegwa.

Ndegwa added the lodge built in 1932 was the only lodge forty feet from the ground. Guests could watch animals comfortably from the confront of their rooms that's why Queen Elizabeth was attracted to the place.

Hotel where Princess Elizabeth became Queen pays homage to the late monarch Hotel where Princess Elizabeth became Queen pays homage to the late monarch