Minister Chaiwut attends all-important Asean cybersecurity meet in S’pore


Thailand's Digital Economy and Society Minister Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn attended a crucial Asean cybersecurity meeting in Singapore on Thursday to discuss cooperation in fighting cybercrime.

The 7th Asean Ministerial Conference on Cybersecurity (AMCC) was chaired by Singapore’s Communications and Information Minister Josephine Teo.

On the sidelines of the AMCC, Association of Southeast Asian Nations representatives also held a meeting with senior officials from its dialogue partners – Australia, Canada, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union.

Chaiwut told reporters the meeting reaffirmed the importance of the Asean-Japan Cybersecurity Capacity Building Centre (AJCC BC) in Bangkok to provide training for IT personnel and others so they can fight cybercrime.

The AJCC BC was set up to advance the skills of those working on cybersecurity, particularly in government agencies and Asean’s Critical Information Infrastructure, to enhance cybersecurity awareness, strengthen information security and data protection, and promote information sharing.

Its objectives also include the development of a standardised Incident Reporting Framework across the region and the establishment of Asean-CERT, which are in line with the Asean ICT Master Plan 2020 Strategic Thrust 8: Information Security and Assurance.

The AJCC BC was one of the key deliverables of Thailand’s Asean 2019 chairmanship under the theme of “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability”.

Minister Chaiwut attends all-important Asean cybersecurity meet in S’pore During Thursday’s meeting, Chaiwut also shared his ministry’s operations to promote knowledge among stakeholders of cybersecurity in Thailand so they can handle cyber threats.

Chaiwut told the meeting that to effectively uphold cybersecurity, state agencies must cooperate with the private sector to raise their guard.

He noted that technology companies play an important role in effective cybersecurity, so the government should define how these firms play a part in tackling cyber threats.

Accompanying Chaiwut to the meeting were National Cyber Security Agency secretary-general AVM Amorn Chomchoei and representatives from the Electronics Transactions Development Agency and the Foreign Ministry.

Chaiwut said the meeting also discussed how to leverage cooperation with the United Nations and other international organisations to maintain effective cybersecurity in the region.