Digital Assets gain more popularity and continue to grow tremendously. According to the report by “Verified Market Research” The Global Digital Asset Management Market size is projected to reach nearly USD 14,000,000,000 by 2028.
Despite the increasing global interest, digital assets face a high risk: volatile investment, unstable prices, safety, and international conflicts. What will be special about Digital Assets in 2022? How’s the journey to financial mainstream adoption and how’s to balance challenges and opportunities.
Meet VIP speakers across the region to discuss and share opinions on “Digital Assets” under the discussion topics for 4 sessions:
• A Financial Innovation for Future Economy
• Digital Assets heading to the World Financial Mainstream
• Digital Assets: Safe and Sensibly - Regulated
• Exploring Digital Assets Ecosystem and Journey, Now and Next
Stay tuned with The International Virtual Forum broadcasted by The Nation and
Asia News Network “ANN”
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