Coalition meeting postponed as ‘unlucky’ Pita contracts Covid for third time


Potential PM Pita Limjaroenrat can add Covid-19 to his list of formidable foes after being infected with the disease for a third time, causing a meeting of the eight-party coalition to be delayed to next week.

The leaders of the eight coalitition partners led by Move Forward had previously agreed to meet on Thursday to prepare for the House opening. A new date has not yet been announced.

Despite being vaccinated six times, Pita reportedly contracted the virus during his recent trip went to thank voters in the North.

“On Sunday [June 18], I started to have a few symptoms. After that, I started to self-isolate," he wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday.

He said he used a self-test kit and found he was infected on Tuesday.

Pita will not be able to join any talks for a while, including a meeting of party transition teams and a seminar for new Move Forward MPs set to take place on June 21-23.

Pita urged people who had come into contact with him to test themselves as a precaution.

Chaitawat Tulathon, the secretary-general of Move Forward, will fill in for Pita while he is absent.