New Thai police chief relaxes shaved back and sides rule for officers


As a gift to all male police officers on National Police Day, the newly appointed National Police chief Pol General Torsak Sukvimol officially scrapped the long-standing “3-side white” haircut rule.

National Police Day is marked on October 17 every year.

Under the old regulation, policemen are required to meet the uniform haircut style that calls for the sides and back of the head to be shorn so close that the “white” of the scalp can be seen and the hair on the top to be no longer than 3 centimetres.

New Thai police chief relaxes shaved back and sides rule for officers

The new rule, which takes effect on Tuesday, allows up to 1cm of hair on the sides and back, and no longer than 5cm on top.

Torsak said last week that the more relaxed hairstyle will also protect undercover officers who could be easily recognised and targeted by insurgents in the deep South.

With the previously short haircut, they could only go undercover as Buddhist monks, the police chief said.

The new rule also allows officers working in risky areas, under intelligence operations or drug investigations, can wear a hairstyle that is short in the back but long on top, subject to suitability and approval of superiors.

The regulation for female police officers in uniform remains the same, in which officers with hair longer than shoulder length are required to tie it up in a bun and use only black hair accessories. Braids, pigtails, ponytails and bangs are still prohibited.

Police officers in uniform are also prohibited from using wet-style hair products and hair dyes, except for black.