Cool weather forecast for North and Northeast, rising waves in South


Cooler weather has arrived in the North and Northeast, with temperatures dropping 6 to 8 degrees Celsius from today until Tuesday as a cold front from China extends into the upper half of Thailand, the Thai Meteorological Department said.

Strong wings are also likely.

Temperatures in the Central and East regions, including Greater Bangkok, will fall by 3 to 5 degrees Celsius.

Cool weather forecast for North and Northeast, rising waves in South

The meteorological department also said the northeast monsoon across the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea will intensify over the next few days. As a result, some areas of the South will see heavy rain. Flashfloods are a danger, it warned.

Cool weather forecast for North and Northeast, rising waves in South

Waves in both the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea are forecast to rise to between 2 and 4 metres. They will surpass 4 metres during thundershowers, the department said. It urged coastal residents to prepare for surges. Ships should proceed with caution and small boats should remain on short, the department said.