Gone bonkers? Clip of woman trying to avoid paying for pizza goes viral


The video clip of a woman refusing to return a food order after failing to pay went viral on Friday, sparking questions among netizens.

The clip was posted by Facebook user “Heart MyHeart”, who said he was delivering pizza to a woman at a condo in Bangkok’s Onnut area on Tuesday. The woman had ordered two pizzas, a bucket of ice cream and a cold drink, which came up to 760 baht. She came down to receive the order and said she would pay through her mobile.

The deliveryman said she scanned the QR code with her phone and then grabbed the order from him before trying to return to her room.

The man stopped her because the payment had failed and asked her to try again. That’s when the woman lost her temper, began cursing him and demanded that he prostrate himself at her feet before she would return the food.

The condo security guard then stepped in and asked the woman to scan the code again, which again failed. Eventually, the woman returned the food and went back to her room.

Some netizens responded to the clip saying clearly the woman is a troubled person, while others said she tried to wriggle out of paying, but her bluff was called.

Several people also expressed sympathy for the delivery person, saying they have to put up with all sorts of people, especially now that there is a rising demand for food delivery services, and the competition has become fiercer.

A Nation reporter contacted the deliveryman on Saturday and learned that the pizza parlour agreed to take back the food and cancelled the order. He said he did not have to cover the 760 baht the company had lost over the order.

“But please don’t do this to your delivery person. It’s a waste of our time and hurts our feelings,” he said. “I’ve been working as a deliveryman for more than two years now, but have never met anyone like this. She may have been suffering from something.”

Cheating over delivery services is becoming a growing problem nowadays as more people are buying products online for convenience.

The Electronic Transactions Development Agency reported that the 1212 Online Complaint Centre has received an average of 2,221 complaints per month this year, compared to 1,781 per month during the same period last year.

The video can be viewed via this link