Thai apparel makers urged to follow the latest fashion: Recycled fabric


The global market for apparel made from recycled fabric is expected to grow by 10.7% annually due to rising demand for environmentally friendly fashion, the Trade Policy and Strategy Office said on Monday.

The global market for apparel made from recycled fabric was worth US$5.8 million (202.04 million baht) last year, and it is expected to rise to $16 billion (557.35 billion baht) in 2032, the office’s director, Poonpong Naiyanapakorn, said

Poonpong said many apparel manufacturers are looking at recycled fabrics because garment production can have detrimental impacts on the environment.

Globally, garment production consumes about 93 billion cubic metres of water annually, he said, adding that the garment industry accounted for 20% of the global wastewater release.

Thai apparel makers urged to follow the latest fashion: Recycled fabric

The garment industry also emits up to 1.7 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide annually, accounting for 8-10% of total carbon dioxide emissions globally.

The garment industry is responsible for more carbon dioxide emissions than the aviation and marine transport industries, Poonpong said.

Thai apparel makers urged to follow the latest fashion: Recycled fabric

Many apparel firms have launched a variety of apparel made from recycled fabric to comply with the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, which aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

In Thailand, the value of the recycled fabric apparel market is expected to hit 1.3 billion baht in 2032, accounting for 0.5% of the Thai apparel market.

"The recycled fabric apparel market is considered a business opportunity that entrepreneurs should keep an eye on, as more consumers are paying attention to environmental preservation," Poonpong said.

Thai apparel makers urged to follow the latest fashion: Recycled fabric

He advised the government to help entrepreneurs increase the potential of the domestic recycled fabric apparel market by disseminating information and spurring the development of technology.

"Entrepreneurs should also study and follow the rules and regulations for eco-friendly apparel in trading partner countries to increase their competitiveness," he added.