Sea boiling deadly to coral, marine scientist observes

SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2024

Assistant Professor Dr Thon Thamrongnawasawat, a marine scientist and lecturer in the Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, posted on his Facebook: "From the phenomenon of sea boiling, coral bleaches and dies within 10 days."

He also posted a picture of bleached coral at Koh Lanta in Krabi province after a 10-day observation.

"In the time of the boiling sea, rising sea temperature destroys the ecosystem and diversity in the sea world in a short period. This is like a tragic miniseries. Without corals, microscopic aquatic animals were homeless. It's not something that should be overlooked. The question is whether we will care about it or not," Thon said. Sea boiling deadly to coral, marine scientist observes

Sea boiling deadly to coral, marine scientist observes

How important are corals to the sea?

Coral is an invertebrate marine animal. It comprises a hard skeletal limestone compound. Coral reefs are forests in the ocean that provide birthplace, habitat, and shelter for about 25% of marine life. Many fish and marine animals cannot survive without relying on it.

Another important thing is the coral reefs, in effect the rainforests of the sea. They help absorb and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They act like trees in the forest and are the birthplace of seagrass and mangrove forests.

Hot weather causes seawater to warm up during summer. When the sea is too hot, Zooxanthellae seaweed will migrate away from the coral. That causes corals to lose their main food source. Only a pale limestone structure remains and after another two to three months, if the algae do not return, the coral will die.

Sea boiling deadly to coral, marine scientist observes

Everyone can help reduce the risk of coral bleaching by reducing waste in every way such as consuming water wisely, supporting organic agriculture, not consuming rare animals like parrot fish and sharks, not touching corals and other aquatic animals, not feeding fish, travelling responsibly, using a type of sunscreen that does not harm coral reefs, following local regulations, and supporting the work of staff/volunteers.

Sea boiling deadly to coral, marine scientist observes

Sea boiling deadly to coral, marine scientist observes