DTAC teams with Gen Z to forge rulebook against cyberbullying


DTAC and Chulalongkorn University has reached out to Thailand’s Gen Z to create the “Stop Cyberbullying Playbook” of rules for internet use.

Last July, Gen Z members were asked to name the top three cyberbullying problems. Body shaming, sexual harassment, and gender inequality came top of the rankings, according to researcher Thanee Chaiwat, director of the Chula’s Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Economics.

On the body-shaming issue, the key is that everyone is aware of and respects the diversity in human bodies. Gen Z respondents wanted people to stop criticising others’ appearances and judge people without “beauty privilege”.

They also wanted the law to aid cyberbullying victims after completion of legal cases.


DTAC teams with Gen Z to forge rulebook against cyberbullying

On sexual harassment, they thought that public campaigns against the problem would be useful. They wanted children to be taught to respect others’ bodies, and adults to be good role models who do not harass others sexually.

Moreover, they wanted to raise awareness via the media of problems caused by patriarchy, as well as cyberbullying and violence.


DTAC teams with Gen Z to forge rulebook against cyberbullying

On gender inequality, they thought that people should cultivate sympathy with gender diversity and eradicate patriarchy. They also said the government should amend the law to create gender equality.


DTAC teams with Gen Z to forge rulebook against cyberbullying

DTAC and production house Salmon House on Friday released a skit to promote the anti-cyberbullying campaign. The skit shows how jokes of the past are nowadays considered unfunny and constitute bullying.

DTAC said it wanted to know the roots of problems and connect the dots, adding that every sector must work together to solve social problems.

People who are interested could check out the ‘Stop Cyberbullying Playbook’ and Gen-Z’s agreement against cyberbullying at https://www.safeinternetlab.com/brave.


DTAC teams with Gen Z to forge rulebook against cyberbullying