Metaverse, the technology that will change the world


Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg officially changed his company’s name from Facebook to Meta on Thursday. This plan had been announced for a period, and the idea is understandable. Some Businesses normally decide to rebrand when it is bigger or want to change their identity. The interesting point of Zuckerberg’s organisation is that it focuses on metaverse technology, which is expected to change our world completely in the future.

Rebranding is a small point

Facebook was a social media giant, with over a billion users around the world. It became well-known among the public for around ten years, making the founder Zuckerberg one of the top richest people in the world from the social media success.

Previously, Facebook had bought other social media – Instagram and Messenger. The rebranding maybe means Zuckerberg wants to remind people that there is more than Facebook in his kingdom.

Moreover, the Meta underscores the direction of his company toward metaverse technology.


Metaverse is relevant to technologies and inventions that create a virtual world that runs along with our real world. Daily life under this technology will be more connected to the digital world, and a person can live in two worlds at the same time.

Despite the word is not well-known among the public, the metaverse is a hot issue for those persons in the tech sector. If Zuckerberg is successful in developing the metaverse, surely he will be more influential than today and this world will be completely changed.

Changing the world

Under the metaverse technology, people will connect to the digital world more than for playing a video game or consuming entertainment. Digital currency will be more reliable, similar to hard currency in our daily life. Also, human beings will be connected to other borderless, whether in aspects of economy, society or culture.

Presently, several activities are done on the internet and supervised by authorities or institutions. The metaverse will change this, as significant activities will be done in a virtual world, where a relation to the real world is fragile.

This also raised a big question on how governments in the future can collect taxes from economic activities in the virtual world. Moreover, some observers question what will happen to important organisations and institutions in the world, if the virtual world becomes more touchable as Zuckerberg dreams of.