Industry minister sets top priorities for his ministry from day one


Industry Minister Akanat Promphan on Wednesday announced urgent policies on industrial waste disposal, assisting small business, and improving Thai industry.

On his first day as minister, Akanat said he was determined to achieve these goals during his tenure, saying the ministry should deal with these issues immediately to cope with globalisation.

Industry minister sets top priorities for his ministry from day one

He outlined three urgent policies:

▪︎ Disposal of industrial waste that affects people’s health. Akanat vowed to survey the Win Process in Rayong province on Wednesday to follow up on the disposal of hazardous waste there. The industrial waste plant has faced claims for causing pollution since 2011.

▪︎ Eliminate market distortion and dumping to help small businesses and ensure transparency.

▪︎ Develop Thai industry to facilitate the transition towards the new age economy and create the supply chain to drive Thai economy.

“These are missions that I want to work on as soon as possible while I am industry minister,” he said, adding that the target and timeline for these policies  had been set clearly.

Industry minister sets top priorities for his ministry from day one

Akanat added that he aims to establish a 10-billion-baht fund by gathering all funds that the ministry possesses, for reforming industry. “There will be more clarity soon on the establishment of the fund for reforming industry,” he said.

He said that he would revise laws and regulations under the Industry Ministry and relevant agencies to ensure maximum efficiency. For instance, entrepreneurs would face severe punishment for neglecting duties on preventing impact on people, he added.