Heavy rain in the South, covering 30-40% of the area in the next 24 hours


Today's Weather Forecast (Feb 26, 2025): Check the list of provinces expecting heavy rain tonight, covering 30-40% of the area. See affected locations.

Weather Forecast for February 26, 2025

The high-pressure system or cold air mass covering northeastern Thailand and the South China Sea is weakening, leading to rising temperatures in upper Thailand. However, cool morning conditions persist in the North and Northeast. Meanwhile, the easterly and southeasterly winds affecting upper Thailand are also weakening, resulting in decreased rainfall. Residents in these areas are advised to take care of their health due to changing weather conditions.

The weakening easterly winds over the Gulf of Thailand, the South, and the Andaman Sea are causing reduced rainfall in the southern region. Meanwhile, moderate waves of around 2 meters are expected in the lower Gulf of Thailand, with higher waves in areas experiencing thunderstorms. Mariners in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea should navigate cautiously and avoid sailing in stormy areas.

Air Quality and Dust Accumulation:

Dust and haze accumulation in upper Thailand remains at low to moderate levels but is expected to increase due to weakening winds and reduced rainfall.

Weather Forecast (ุ6pm, February 26  – 6pm, February 27)
Northern Region

Cool morning with temperatures rising by 1-2°C.
Low: 18-22°C | High: 31-34°C.
Cold to very cold on mountain peaks (5-15°C).
Winds: Southeast at 10-15 km/h.

Northeastern Region

Cool morning with isolated light rain.
Low: 18-22°C | High: 27-34°C.
Cold on mountain peaks (10-15°C).
Winds: Northeast at 10-20 km/h.

Central Region

Isolated light rain; temperatures rising by 1-2°C.
Low: 21-23°C | High: 31-34°C.
Winds: Northeast at 10-20 km/h.

Eastern Region

Isolated light rain; temperatures rising by 1-2°C.
Low: 24-26°C | High: 32-35°C.
Winds: Northeast at 15-30 km/h.
Waves: ~1m, offshore 1-2m.

Southern Region (East Coast)

Thunderstorms: 40% (Chumphon, Surat Thani, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Yala, Narathiwat).
Low: 22-25°C | High: 28-32°C.
Surat Thani & northward: East at 15-35 km/h, waves 1-2m, over 2m in storms.
Nakhon Si Thammarat & southward: East at 20-35 km/h, waves ~2m, over 2m in storms.

Southern Region (West Coast)

Thunderstorms: 30% (Ranong, Phang Nga, Krabi, Trang).
Low: 24-26°C | High: 30-34°C.
Winds: East at 15-35 km/h.
Waves: 1-2m, offshore ~2m, over 2m in storms.

Bangkok & Vicinity

Partly cloudy, temperatures rising by 1-2°C.
Low: 23-24°C | High: 33-35°C.
Winds: Northeast at 10-20 km/h.