Chiang Rai residents call for help to clear mud after floods


People in Ban Tham Pha Jom village say mud has filled their houses up to ceiling of first floor

Residents of a village in Chiang Rai’s Mae Sai district on Sunday called on authorities to help them clear more than a metre of mud from their houses after the floodwaters have subsided.

People in Ban Tham Pha Jom village complained that the mud had filled their houses up to the ceiling of the first floor. In some houses, the flood had reached the second floor.

An entire village in Tambon Wiang Phang Kham, which is situated on the Sai River, was buried in mud up to the second floor. On roads inside the village, wreckage of motorcycles and tree branches was seen partially prodding out of the thick, tight mud that started to settle as solid soil on which people could walk.

Chiang Rai residents call for help to clear mud after floods
The village was occupied by some 2,000 local residents and workers from outside.

The residents said they wanted government officials to come and help them remove the soil as soon as possible.


Chiang Rai residents call for help to clear mud after floods

They said the soil has packed into their houses, making it hard to dig it out. Moreover, they were not sure whether their houses would collapse during the process of clearing the soil.