Two foreign tourist trekkers rescued from Chiang Mai forest

SUNDAY, JULY 28, 2024

Russian man and Chinese woman located by officials two hours after they sent a plea for help

A Russian tourist and his Chinese girlfriend were rescued from a forest in San Kamphaeng district of Chiang Mai province late on Saturday night hours after they sought help from local officials.

The two tourists were found on Doi Nang Moh mountaintop in tambon On Tai at 10.49pm after police, park rangers and tambon officials dispatched two teams of rescuers to search for them at 8.30pm.

The two had registered with the park office in the tambon for a trek on the mountain above the Mae Pha Haen reservoir but they called the office at 8.30pm that they had got lost and needed help.

Two foreign tourist trekkers rescued from Chiang Mai forest

The search teams were dispatched to the location from where the couple had sent the message before their mobile phone signal disappeared. They were found not far from the spot.

Permphool Chaiyasit, president of the Village Head Club of Tambon On Tai, said the couple appeared very fatigued when they were found.

They were glad to find the rescuers who led them down the mountain to the village below the reservoir and put them under the care of the On Tai rescue office.
Two foreign tourist trekkers rescued from Chiang Mai forest