Police warn of online scammers disguised as police officers

TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2024

Central Investigation Bureau provides a list of the things real police officers will never do

The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) on Monday posted photos of suspects of online scamming gangs dressed in police uniforms and contacting the victims via video chat.

In a post on Facebook page CIBTHAILAND, the bureau warned that these scammers usually claimed they are police officers either seeking to obtain a statement or to notify charges filed against the victims.

The victims are then asked to transfer a fee, or to prove their innocence, after which the scammers disappear with the money and move on to the next victims, said the post.

The CIB reiterated that real police officers will not do the following:

1. Contact you via Line or video call to get a statement or notify you of a charge.

2. Ask you to transfer money to prove your innocence.

3. Send official documents including police summons and arrest warrants via online channels.

The CIB also urged those who have tips or information about scammers to send them to the inbox of the Facebook page. All personal information of submitters will be kept confidential.

Alternatively, call the Anti-Online Scam Operation Centre (AOC) at 1441 hotline to report the crimes. Users can also ask officials to freeze bank accounts suspected of being compromised or belonging to scammers via this number.