Airport Rail Link allows pets to ride the trains beginning today

SUNDAY, JULY 14, 2024

The Airport Rail Link has started allowing passengers to carry dogs, cats, fish and birds with them starting on Sunday.

But the pets must be kept in cages or bags and should not be allowed to move outside freely, the train authorities announced.

Passengers with pets must ride only in carriages earmarked for people travelling with their pets.

On weekdays, pets would be allowed to ride the electric train from 10am to 3pm and from 8pm to midnight. Pets are allowed all day on weekends.

The link authorities said one passenger could travel with one car or one dog at a time or one bag of fish or one cage of bird or birds.

The pets riding the trains should not weigh more than 10 kilograms, and their cage or bag should not be larger than 35 centimetres wide, 56cm in height and 36cm deep.

The passengers must carry or hold the cage or bag of their pets all the time during the ride and must not place the cage or bag on another seat.