Illuminations celebrate Monarch’s birthday

TUESDAY, JULY 02, 2024

Area around Ratchadamnoen decorated with lights in honour of the King’s sixth cycle birthday anniversary

Six routes near the Grand Palace in Bangkok have been decorated with spectacular lights to celebrate His Majesty the King's sixth cycle birthday anniversary.


Illuminations celebrate Monarch’s birthday

Installed by the Metropolitan Electricity Authority to mark the auspicious occasion, the illuminations also aim to attract Thai residents and foreign tourists to the area.

Illuminations celebrate Monarch’s birthday

The decorations are on show every night from 6pm to midnight until August 12 at Sanam Luang near the Grand Palace and along Ratchadamnoen Nai, Ratchadamnoen Klang, Ratchadamnoen Nok and  Si Ayutthaya roads as well as the area near Chitralada Palace.

Illuminations celebrate Monarch’s birthday Illuminations celebrate Monarch’s birthday Illuminations celebrate Monarch’s birthday Illuminations celebrate Monarch’s birthday