THAI Smile cancels flights to Hong Kong


THAI Smile Airways has temporarily cancelled flights to Hong Kong from March 13-28 due to the Covid-19 situation.

The folliwing round-trip flights have been cancelled:
Phuket-Hong Kong route WE608 / WE609 (codeshare TG2608 / 2609) flights, effective from March 13-28.
Bangkok-Hong Kong Route. WE630 / WE631 (codeshare TG2630 / 2631) flights, effective from March 16-28, or until further announcement.

For passengers affected by flight cancellations on that date, THAI Smile will offer a full refund, without additional cost.
Passengers who still wish to travel during such period will be transferred to Thai Airways flights.
Passengers who wish to change their trip and / or change routes, can do so within the ticket validity or extend the travelling period up to December 15, 2020. Fees will be exempted.
The change must be made before the date of travel as specified on the ticket, in accordance with the conditions set by the company. Passengers can contact any of 13 Smile Service Centre nationwide during operating hours or Call Centre 1181 or 02-118-8888 for 24 hours.