Digital tools for education reform

Digital tools for education reform

THE INDEPENDENT Committee for Education Reform (ICER) has decided to add “digital tools” to its blueprint on overhauling Thailand’s education sector.

Dr Jiruth Sriratanaban, who chairs ICER’s ad-hoc subcommittee on planning education reform, said yesterday that the digital tools were added to the plan after people provided their opinions online. 
“Initially, our education-reform plan had six components, but now we have added digital tools as a seventh component,” he said without elaborating. 
According to Jiruth, digital tools refer to the development of digital platforms for educational institutes and compiling big data. He added that the education-reform plan would be submitted to the Cabinet for review before the end of this month. 
ICER chairman Dr Charas Suwanwela said it was time to keep up with technology because Thailand had stepped into the Digital Age. “We have to keep pace as the world changes. We can’t stick to the same old ways,” he said, pointing out that the education sector also had to adjust. 
“We need to use other forms of learning at secondary and higher-education levels, not just focus on classrooms alone,” he said. 
Chaipreuk Sereerak, secretary-general of the Education Council, said once the education-reform plan was approved, all relevant authorities must act on it. “My agency will adjust the national education plan in response to the approved reform blueprint.”

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