The Supreme Admin Court's order won't affect True-DTAC's merger, duly completed per laws.


The order from the Supreme Administrative Court to the Administrative Courts of First Instance, directing them to accept a complaint filed by the Foundation for Consumers against NBTC, will not impact the amalgamation of True-DTAC. The amalgamation has already been successfully completed in strict compliance with all pertinent laws and regulations.

As of October 30, the Supreme Administrative Court issued an order to the Administrative Courts of First Instance to accept the complaint filed by the Foundation for Consumers against the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (the “NBTC”) requesting a revocation of the resolution of the NBTC acknowledging the business amalgamation between True Corporation Public Company Limited (former name) and Total Access Communication Public Company Limited (former name) for further consideration. True Corporation Public Company Limited (the “Company”), would like to clarify you that the order of the Supreme Administrative Court is simply an instruction to the Administrative Courts of First Instance to accept for consideration the above-mentioned complaint of the Foundation for Consumers, having been filed against the NBTC beyond the prescription. The Administrative Courts of First Instance still needs to further consider the whether the resolution of the NBTC acknowledging the business amalgamation was valid or not.

The Company would like to inform you that:

(1) the lawsuit is a dispute between the Foundation for Consumers and the NBTC and such a lawsuit will not affect the business operation of the Company,

(2) the business amalgamation between True Corporation Public Company Limited (former name) and Total Access Communication Public Company Limited (former name) has been fully completed and proceeded in accordance with all relevant laws and it was undergoing a similar process to those of previous business amalgamation of the public limited companies which operate the telecommunications business,

and (3) the case filed by the Foundation for Consumers against the NBTC involves issues similar to those of other cases, whose requests for injunction were dismissed by the Central Administrative Court as the court considered that the resolution of the NBTC acknowledging the business amalgamation was proceeded in accordance with the authority under the law and thus there were no grounds that the resolution of the NBTC acknowledging the business amalgamation was invalid.

Please note that True Corporation Public Company Limited (former name) and Total Access Communication Public Company Limited (former name) had previously notified the same information to the Stock Exchange of Thailand on February 6, 2023.