Hospitality goes green


Approaching sustainable development is the subject of an upcoming seminar titled “Sustainability Trends in Hospitality”.

Organised by the Thai Hotels Association (THA), Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (Public Organization) (DASTA) and the Hotel Human Resources Management Club for the Future to demonstrate how to creatively integrate local communities into the process, The event, which includes a Hotel Suppliers Showcase of environmentally friendly products, is designed for professionals working in the hotel business. Presentations will be given in Thai by successful sustainable hoteliers and environmental specialists. Among the topics are HM the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and Sustainable Tourism Development presented by Dr Chuwit Mitrchob, Assistant Director-General of the Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (DASTA) and “Sustainable Meetings: Develop sustainable meetings and marketing opportunities and meet global demands” delivered by  Choo-Leng Goh, General Manager of the Plaza Athenee Bangkok. Other topics include sustainable food management and waste reduction plus CO2 Emissions Calculations for Hotels. 
The seminar will be held on October 4 from 8.30am to 4pm in Kamolthip Ballroom of The Sukosol Bangkok.
Tickets (including lunch and coffee breaks) are Bt1,000 per person. Register at (02) 282 5277 or email [email protected].