Next round is on Carabao

FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2013

The biggest question stemming from the rumour that songs-for-life rock band Carabao has switched sponsors from Chang to rival beer brand Singha is why no one is confirming it. It seems plainly true.

Carabao joined US guitar wizard Carlos Santana onstage for his Bangkok show in February, and Singha was the sponsor. And guitarist Kiew Carabao had Singha backing his 60th-birthday concert on May 5 at Sala Chalermkrung. 

Finally, it will be Singha underwriting the band’s tour of 50 provinces later this year and this month’s release of the Carabao biopic “Young Bao: The Movie”.
So what’s left to discuss? Obviously Carabao has ended or is ready to end its decade-old partnership with Chang, for which it created the memorable slogan “Khon Thai rue plao” (“Are you Thai?”). But so far no announcement from anyone involved.
Somebody ought to sober up and make it official.
Pretty awful
The entire world seems to think that, within the global sisterhood, Thai women are particularly beautiful – but Thai women don’t. Dove, the soap maker, found in a recent survey that a mere 1 per cent of Thai women is satisfied with their looks.
This surprising modesty turns up in Dove’s “The Real Truth about Beauty” international promotion. It claims that, globally, 4 per cent of women are happy with the way they look, and in Asia 3 per cent. Nearly 80 per cent describe themselves as “average”.
Dove reckons it all comes down to poor self-image and low self-esteem and is urging women to take another look in the mirror and realise that the situation is better than they think. 
Are Thai women just being shy? Psychologist Amporn Benchaponpitak of the government’s Mental Health Department (yes, they have one) is blaming Thai parents. “We tend to criticise rather than compliment,” she says. 
Soopsip hazards to ask why so many Thai women post photos of themselves online if they think they’re so ugly. Fishing for those compliments they never got from Mum and Dad?