Putting our best face forward

FRIDAY, MAY 04, 2012

If you are a patient of famous plastic surgeon Dr Choladhis Sinrachtanant you may have to reconfirm your appointment.


He’s been busy challenging South Korea as he promotes Thailand as Asia’s hub for cosmetic surgery.
His innovative new techniques not only amaze patients but also his fellow doctors, making him a popular figure for medical conferences. His latest booking is as keynote speaker for the Rome congress of the International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies.
Not only will he impart knowledge, he’s likely to learn a thing two to try on his patients.
He’ll be back on May 12, so make an appointment to see him before he jets off to another conference.
Healthy direction
Bad habits die hard and perhaps no one knows that better than 1980s filmmaker Pariwat (Apichart) pothipairoj, who tells Dichan magazine of his many attempts to quit smoking after 40 years.
The first two attempts failed. He lied to his wife while furtively puffing away until he had a stroke. Then he did everything his doctor told him except for the part about giving up cigarettes.
The turning point was two years ago when he his pal, actor Sorapong Chatree, noticed the pack of smokes in Pariwat’s shirt pocket. Sorapong asked “can I have that?” and took the cigarettes away. He then drove Pariwat to Nakhon ratchasima to make a vow to quit smoking in front of the famous monk Luang Por To.
Sorapong sweetened the deal by giving Pariwat Bt10,000 with the condition he’d ordain as a monk. Desperate to be free of the habit before he donned his monk’s robes, Pariwat went home and locked himself in a room for five days to go cold turkey.
“I just knew that I would be so frustrated if I didn’t quit. I was irritated with everything. It might be not as bad as heroin addiction but after 40 years, it was hard,” Pariwat says.
Now smoke-free for two years, the experience is still fresh in his mind.
Any one of the anti-smoking organisations may be interested in having Pariwat make a film about quitting, and he can also star as a champion of cigarette withdrawal.