From hill tribe to the global stage: Lee Ayu Chuepa's coffee revolution


In the lush hills of northern Thailand, a remarkable story of perseverance and social entrepreneurship is brewing.

Lee Ayu Chuepa, once a young boy from the remote Mae Chan Tai Community in Chiang Rai province, has transformed not only his own life but also the fortunes of his community through the power of coffee.


Humble beginnings

Thirty years ago, Lee's daily routine involved a gruelling 8-kilometre round trip on foot just to attend school in a neighbouring village. Barely able to speak Thai, he faced challenges that would daunt most adults, let alone a child. It was precisely these hardships that forged Lee's indomitable spirit and unwavering determination.


The seeds of change

Lee's journey from a poor hill tribe village to becoming a legend in the global coffee industry is nothing short of extraordinary. Growing up in a family that sold coffee beans they had never tasted themselves, Lee witnessed first-hand the lack of bargaining power his community faced due to their limited knowledge of their product's true value.

Inspired by his father, a community leader and Akha physician, and his mother's vision of a better life for her children, Lee developed a burning desire for self-improvement and community upliftment.


From hill tribe to the global stage: Lee Ayu Chuepa\'s coffee revolution

The birth of Akha Ama

Today, Lee is the proud owner of Akha Ama, a thriving café business with three locations and a roastery in Chiang Mai. His coffee has graced global stages for three consecutive years, earning accolades in London, Maastricht, and Vienna.

But Akha Ama is more than just a coffee company; it's a social enterprise committed to improving the lives of its community. 

Lee's vision was to create a business that not only generated profits but also addressed the poverty and inequality prevalent in his region. By working directly with local farmers and providing them with fair prices for their coffee beans, Akha Ama has empowered the community and fostered economic growth.

From hill tribe to the global stage: Lee Ayu Chuepa\'s coffee revolution

Key elements of Akha Ama's success

  • Community-driven approach: Akha Ama's success is rooted in its deep connection to the local community. By involving farmers in the production process and providing them with training and support, Lee has created a sustainable business model that benefits all stakeholders.
  • Quality products: The quality of Akha Ama's coffee is paramount. Lee's commitment to producing exceptional coffee has earned the company a loyal customer base and international recognition.
  • Social impact: Beyond its economic contributions, Akha Ama has had a significant social impact. By providing employment opportunities and supporting community development initiatives, the company has helped to improve the lives of many.
  • Global reach: Akha Ama's success has extended beyond Thailand. By expanding its operations to Japan and participating in international events, Lee has raised awareness of the company's mission and products on a global scale.

Lee is quick to emphasise that Akha Ama's success isn't built on pity. "We don't sell 'pity'," he insists. "Most of our customers don't even know we're a social enterprise. We sell quality products that meet our customers' needs."

From hill tribe to the global stage: Lee Ayu Chuepa\'s coffee revolution

This approach reflects Lee's belief that a truly successful social business must be profitable while achieving its social goals. It's a delicate balance that Lee has mastered, creating a model that simultaneously improves economic status, creates jobs, and addresses environmental concerns.
The power of connections

Lee's success isn't solely due to his business acumen. His ability to build social capital has been crucial. From the trust of his community (bonding capital) to the support of NGOs and customers (bridging capital), and even internship opportunities at renowned coffee shops in the United States (linking capital), Lee has leveraged every connection to further his vision.


From hill tribe to the global stage: Lee Ayu Chuepa\'s coffee revolution

Lessons learned

Lee's journey offers valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs and social innovators. His story demonstrates the importance of perseverance, community engagement, and a commitment to quality. By combining business acumen with a social conscience, Lee has created a sustainable and impactful enterprise that is inspiring others to follow in his footsteps.

As Lee himself says, "In every crisis, there's always an opportunity." His journey from a hill tribe boy to a global coffee entrepreneur is a testament to the power of vision, perseverance, and socially responsible business practices.

In the end, Lee Ayu Chuepa's success isn't just about profit or personal gain. It's about creating sustainable, collective happiness — a goal that resonates with customers, partners, and communities alike. Through Akha Ama, Lee has not only put Thai hill tribe coffee on the world map but also provided a blueprint for how business can be a force for positive social change.