Small is beautiful: Japanese bonsai trees go on show


Over 100 rare Japanese bonsai trees on show at Siam Paragon in Bangkok reflect the balance between natural and man-made beauty.

“Siam Paragon the Living Art of Elegance: Japan Bonsai Exhibition by Bonsai Hunter,” is taking place on the third floor of the shopping complex until Sunday (August 25). Admission is free. 

These masterpieces are the work of the Bonsai Hunter Gallery, which was founded by Korakoch Thaisiri, an expert in raising Japanese bonsai trees.

Small is beautiful: Japanese bonsai trees go on show

Highlights include a semi-cascading “Itoigawa Shimpaku” juniper tree that resembles a crescent moon, and a mountain-shaped “Kishu Shimpaku” juniper tree representing a sage facing difficulties.

The “Kuromatsu” or Japanese black pine has an elegant charm which can only be seen in Japanese temples, gardens and palaces.

Small is beautiful: Japanese bonsai trees go on show

Visitors are allowed to immerse themselves by taking trimmings and attending classes on August 24-25 from 1pm to 3pm. For advance registration, check out Bonsai Hunter Gallery’s Facebook page.

Korakoch Thaisiri

Korakoch said on Tuesday that this was the first time the public was being allowed to admire the beauty of bonsai trees at such close quarters. He described the trees as a combination of nature and man-made art, which meets the Japanese concept of appreciating beauty that is imperfect in nature.

Small is beautiful: Japanese bonsai trees go on show

“The bonsai tree is a legacy that can be admired through the generations due to differences in raising methods,” he explained.

Small is beautiful: Japanese bonsai trees go on show