Omicron surge could bring end of pandemic for Thailand, says expert


Thailand is facing its biggest wave of Covid-19 in two years as cases surge into the tens of thousands after the holiday break. However, there is no need to panic, says Vichaiyut Hospital respiratory specialist Dr Manoon Leechawengongs.

In a Tuesday Facebook post, Manoon said the Omicron variant is more transmissible with a reduced incubation period. The new virus strain also causes milder symptoms and is more like a normal cold, he added.

It easily infects the upper respiratory tract but rarely leads to dangerous lung infections.

The Omicron surge will likely result in widespread infection of both the vaccinated and unvaccinated, leading to herd immunity that brings the pandemic to end, Manoon said.

Booster jabs may be unnecessary in the future because Omicron infection will work as a live attenuated vaccine that boosts the immunity more effectively than any vaccine, he added.