Washing hands often offers more protection, says top virologist

Washing hands often offers more protection, says top virologist

Washing hands frequently offers far more protection than wearing gloves, expert virologist Dr Yong Poovorawan advised on Tuesday.

In his Facebook post, Dr Yong said many people have been wearing gloves to protect themselves against the Covid-19 virus. However, he said, his experience in labs shows that gloves protect the wearer, not other persons the wearer may come in contact with.

For instance, he said, serving staff in restaurants wear gloves for a long time and touch many items without washing their hands, which does little to curb the spread of the virus.

He said people should wear gloves when they are shopping and discard them as soon as they are done.

However, he iterated, washing hands frequently is the best way to protect yourself and curb the spread of Covid-19.

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Washing hands often offers more protection, says top virologist

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