There has clearly been an outbreak of common sense and plain decency following the US midterm elections. But predictably, HHB rants, capers, leaps and raves about a topic that he is emphatically not qualified to discuss in any meaningful, joined-up sense. Let’s take a careful excursion through his Nietzschean nightmare:
He blithely informs us that the entire voting system in the US is “rigged” by what his adult language calls the “Demonrats”. How mature of him. Apparently, post-McCarthy “communism” is alive and well, and its “gangsters” are busily purloining treasure from the American people. Good grief, you couldn’t invent it.
The killer word is what HHB amazingly calls “reality”. Or, as balanced folks would call it, unadulterated ordure. There are times when I really do wonder what planet he and his ilk are orbiting. That said, I have faith in the power of true democracy to resist naked, slavering extremism sicked up by the writer of such outre scatology.
Dr Frank