A plea for reasoned debate backed by evidence


Re: “How Trump supporters bend the facts to support their lies”, Have Your Say, yesterday.

Contributing to Have Your Say should carry a health warning. I have had to endure Eric Bahrt’s unjustified and sustained barbs, and now Egon joins in. However, he is confused, as he seems to think that I give “carte blanche” support to all Nigel Pike’s arguments, and don’t check the evidence. Nonsense! I disagree with Mr Pike on almost everything, as several of my previously published letters confirm. However, on the specific issues of the effects of teaching issues of gender and sexuality to very young children, and on the hypocrisy of some activists on these matters, I believe that Mr Pike’s comments are correct.
Mr Pike provided some statistics, not “lies”, to support the claim that confusion could possibly be caused to young children by such teaching. The venerable Times of London, a dependable source of information, reports that the numbers of children in the UK confused about their gender has increased by 500 per cent in the last four years. Why such a huge increase? Mr Pike has raised an important issue, which deserves a debate. Please read letters more carefully, Egon, before jumping to conclusions.
Robin Grant